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I'm for the plan to prevent a nuclear Iran

Few decisions weigh heavier than those involving war and peace, and the security of the American people and our allies.

Whether to support the international plan to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon is one of those difficult decisions — one of the toughest during my time in Congress.

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to support President Obama's agreement to prevent a nuclear Iran.

This isn’t a perfect agreement — far from it — but it is the best option on the table. If Congress were to reject this agreement, Iran would not return to the negotiating table. International sanctions would not snap back into place — our allies have made that clear. Our options could soon be reduced to two unacceptable alternatives: living with a nuclear Iran and another war in the Middle East.

We cannot trust the Iranian regime. Once this agreement is in place, it will be up to the United States to watch Iran like a hawk to make sure they are keeping up with their side of the deal. Broad international support makes it possible for the U.S. to act swiftly and strongly in the event Iran violates the agreement. If we reject the deal, that leverage goes away.

People of good will can reasonably disagree about the merits of this plan. We share the common goal of preventing a nuclear-armed Iran and protecting the American people and our allies around the world.

For me, this plan is the absolute best path to keeping Iran’s nuclear ambitions at bay.

Thank you,


Posted on September 9, 2015.

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