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Sign the Petition: end the attacks on Planned Parenthood.

The attacks on Planned Parenthood are unrelenting.

Republicans in Congress aren’t toning down the rhetoric – threatening to defund Planned Parenthood through the budget process.

I’m fighting back. My fellow Senate Democrats are fighting back. And I hope you’ll join us in fighting back, too.

Sign the Petition: tell Republicans to back off Planned Parenthood!

Using a parliamentary procedure called “reconciliation” to pass the budget means they can pass it with 51 Republican votes – no filibusters.

If they get their way, millions of Americans would be at risk of losing access to birth control, prenatal care, cancer screenings, and basic reproductive health care.

Together, we can stand tall and speak with one voice for women’s health care. I’m counting on you.


Posted on December 3, 2015.

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