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Stand by your SuperPAC (sign the petition)

Voters are voting and the big-money floodgates are open.

Only two states have weighed in so far on the race for President, yet SuperPACs have already spent more than $180 million to influence the outcome.

That’s an obscene amount of money, but here’s what troubles me the most: We don’t know exactly who is spending all that money and what they expect in return.

I’ve been fighting for greater transparency in our elections for decades, and I hope you’ll join me. Sign the Petition: Demand greater transparency for political spending!

In 2002, I wrote the “… and I approve this message” law. Politicians follow that law, but the SuperPACs are shrouded in mystery. We need to change that.

Add your name as a supporter today. Let’s shine some light on the dark money!


Posted on February 11, 2016.

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