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Sign my climate change petition. (It's Earth Day!)

It’s not every day that world leaders gather together in one place at one time to sign a global agreement.

But it’s happening, today, on Earth Day, in New York City – and it’s one of the most consequential agreements of our time: the Paris agreement to fight climate change.

Let’s keep up our side of the deal. Sign the Petition: stand up for President Obama’s Clean Power Plan!

The world is rallying around the historic Paris climate agreement. If we follow through, we have a shot at turning the tide on climate change.

But here’s the problem: the U.S. Supreme Court put a hold on the plan.

I joined many of my colleagues in authoring an amicus brief calling on the court to allow the Clean Power Plan to move forward. Will you join us?

On Earth Day: Stand up for clean power!


Posted on April 22, 2016.

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