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Would President Trump do it? (Billionaire tax cuts)

Remember the Bush Tax Cuts? They were supposed to “pay for themselves” and usher in an era of economic prosperity.

Instead, budget surpluses quickly turned into deficits, the economy dipped into recession, and income inequality went up. Nearly a quarter of the cuts went directly to benefit the top one percent.

Under a President Trump and a Republican Congress we know what we’ll get: More of the same. More loopholes for hedge fund billionaires. More egregious cuts designed to benefit people like Trump. More giveaways and special deals for the wealthy and well connected. And less money to invest in our schools, bridges, and people.

My vision is a tax code free of special interest loopholes – a tax code that asks more of the wealthy and supports working families. I’m fighting for a tax code that doesn’t let people like Donald Trump get away with paying nothing in federal income taxes by gaming the system.

We don’t need a tax dodger as President. We need to defeat Trump and take back the Senate. Let’s make it happen!


Posted on July 20, 2016.

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