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Would President Trump do... anything? (Student debt crisis)

Did you watch the Republican circus?

On the final night, Donald and Ivanka Trump both mentioned the student debt crisis crushing millions of families and holding our country back. But did they reveal their plan? Of course not. Here's what you need to know: If he becomes President, Trump would return student loans back to the private bank market, making students and their families even worse off and subjecting them to profiteering by Wall Street. That's not right.

Democrats have an aggressive plan to end the student debt crisis and make college affordable again, and you're going to hear about it this week.

Our goal is to eliminate tuition at in-state public colleges and universities for families with annual incomes of up to $125,000. It won’t be easy, but we’re committed to this fight and united by the urgency of this crisis.

A college degree is still the ticket to the middle class in America. To buy the ticket, young people are being saddled with five and six figure debt upon graduation – and it’s keeping them from getting ahead. It makes it nearly impossible to save for a down payment, take the risk of starting a new business, or pursuing a career of service that may not pay enough to cover the massive loan bills.

Republicans have made it clear where their priorities stand, and it’s not with the middle class. Let’s make sure we take back the Senate and elect a team that is committed to protecting the American Dream!


Posted on July 22, 2016.

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