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Protect states' rights to legalize marijuana

Voters in eight states made the call to legalize recreational marijuana, but unfortunately the Trump Administration doesn't respect those voters' decisions and have promised to crack down on states that have reformed their marijuana laws

It's unacceptable that Donald Trump's Administration is threatening to crack down on states that have passed marijuana reforms.

Marijuana is expected to bring in more than $500 million to Oregon alone by the end of 2017. From small businesses to state budgets, regulated marijuana has benefited many states—and we need to reform our federal government’s broken marijuana laws, not make them worse.

It’s time that Trump stop cherry picking which states’ rights he honors and which he doesn’t. Sign my petition now to tell Trump to respect states’ rights and stop attacking their marijuana laws!

I’ve recently sponsored a bill with Congressman Earl Blumenauer that eases banking for marijuana businesses, addresses tax equity issues, and de-schedules marijuana, allowing states to regulate and tax it or keep it illegal if they so choose.

Reforming marijuana laws can boost our economy while also keeping the business side fair for all.

Trump is attacking what progress we have made reforming marijuana. We can’t let him undo the will of the people.

Sign my petition now to tell Trump: Stop attacking states’ rights to reform their marijuana laws!

Posted on April 21, 2017.

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