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Sign the Petition: Net Neutrality

You’re going to be hearing a lot about net neutrality over the next few months.

This week, Trump’s FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, announced his plan to roll back the strong net neutrality protections we fought so hard for last year. He had the nerve to say the industry should be left to police itself—if we’d done that with labor laws, young children would still be in factories and we’d be working on the weekends!

Net neutrality is the principle that your internet service provider – like Comcast, Verizon or AT&T – cannot slow down content you’re trying to access on the Internet while at the same time extorting big payoffs from content creators to fix the problem they’ve created. Net neutrality makes sure that you get what you pay for from your ISP, and allows small start-ups to compete with entrenched corporations.

Last year we fought hard for the FCC to issue strong protections for net neutrality – and we won. Over 4 million Americans made their voices heard.

Now, we need to hear your voice again. Add your name to protect net neutrality!

Net neutrality is a pillar of economic growth and free speech, and rolling back strong protections is a huge giveaway to big cable corporations. We will not watch idly while the open internet is stripped away.

Tell the FCC: Protect the free and open internet!

Just imagine if your cable company could decide to slow down a competitor’s streaming service while supercharging their own mediocre offering! Or if certain political speech couldn’t be viewed without taking 10 minutes to load because they don’t have deep pockets?

This can’t happen. And we won’t let it.

Posted on April 27, 2017.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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