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We can bring back net neutrality! Sign the petition!

This spring, the Senate voted to restore net neutrality.

That was a huge win for our grassroots movement. Working people all across America stood up to Donald Trump's FCC and its corporate funders - and won.

We're not out of the woods yet. Now, the measure is in the House, where Republicans have redoubled their attacks. They've refused to even bring it up for debate.

Congressional Republicans are hoping that if they bury the issue long enough, we’ll forget about it.

Not on our watch.

Together, we can win this and ensure a free and open internet. Spread the word! Sign the petition to tell the House: No more stalling! Bring back net neutrality!


Posted on August 8, 2018.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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