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These two women can flip the Senate

Right now, Republicans hold the Senate by two seats, 51 – 49.

Two seats.

All it will take to release the Republican stranglehold on the Senate is to flip two red seats to blue.

And in the southwest, we've got two tough, pro-choice Democratic women poised to win those two seats: Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona, and Jacky Rosen in Nevada.

With your grassroots support, Kyrsten and Jacky are leading the charge to take back the Senate in November. Contribute now to put them over the top!

Kyrsten Sinema knows how to dig in and fight for what's right. A true success story, she worked her way from homeless youth to college graduate to Congresswoman. In the House, she led the charge to pass the Violence Against Women Act, and has advocated tirelessly for women and working families.

We need Kyrsten's tough, bold, principled leadership in the Senate, to make sure everyone has a fair shot.

Jacky Rosen has never let anything get in her way. She was the first in her family to graduate college, waiting tables to help support herself. From there, she broke into the male-dominated world of computer programming, building a successful career.

She was elected to the House as a first-time candidate, and has stood out for her commitment to protecting health care, Planned Parenthood, and DREAMers.

Nevadans are ready to retire her opponent, Dean Heller, who voted to take away their health care in the Trumpcare scam, then crowed about his vote to pass the massive tax cut for corporations and the super-rich. They're ready for Jacky Rosen, because they know she's a leader they can trust.

Chip in now to support Kyrsten and Jacky and take back the Senate this fall!

Mitch McConnell and wealthy Republican funders are desperate to hang on to those seats. Their network of super PACs and dark money groups has already spent millions on attack ads, and they've made it known that they will spend tens of millions to keep Kyrsten and Jacky out of the Senate.

But our grassroots movement is stronger than them. We can stop them.

With supporters like you standing with us, we can send the Republicans and their special interest funders packing. Please donate $3 now to Kyrsten and Jacky's campaigns, and fuel the Blue Wave this fall.


Posted on September 13, 2018.

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