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There is a national emergency

Faced with ominous news from the Mueller investigation, a softening economy, a cruel and unnecessary government shutdown, and a global consensus that he's totally unfit for office, Donald Trump resorted to one of his favorite tricks yesterday: "look over there!"

We're not falling for it.

We know that the crisis at the border – family separations, children dying while imprisoned, and tent cities – is an emergency of Trump's own making. He could fix the problem at any time by adopting more compassionate policies.

The biggest national emergency we face is Donald Trump's ego.

Time and again, Trump has painted himself into a corner with his dishonesty, incompetence, and cruelty, and made Americans pay the price – attacking our democratic institutions, undermining civil discourse, abusing his power, obstructing justice, and shutting down the government.

But our movement is laser-focused. We're working overtime to hold Trump accountable to the rule of law and basic human decency.

Let's keep up the pressure to end the Trump Shutdown and re-open the government....NOW.

I'm proud to stand with you in this fight.


Posted on January 9, 2019.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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