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Keep up the fight for net neutrality!

The fight for a free and open internet is on, and February is where it all comes down.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler proposed strong regulations this month that will protect net neutrality and preserve the free and open Internet.

That’s a big win -- but we aren’t done yet.

On February 26, the FCC will vote on the proposal. And you can bet that the big telecoms and their army of lobbyists are lining up to sway the vote.

We need a show of strength before February 26. Chairman Wheeler put it all on the line for net neutrality, and now we need to have his back.

Sign today and tell Chairman Wheeler that we’re with him!

To FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler:

Your strong support for net neutrality was a shot in the arm for a free and open internet.

We’re with you! Now we need you to push your colleagues to do the same when they vote on February 26th. Keep up the fight!

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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