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Take Action: Tell FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to uphold the principle of net neutrality

Large telecoms snuck one in the backdoor with a D.C. Court of Appeals ruling that says they have a right to auction away the open, unfettered access to the internet we enjoy today.

What they want is a chance to charge content providers for better service – meaning slower service for the customers of those in the online community who can’t afford to pay.

That’s wrong. The internet is a place for the free and open exchange of ideas, not a toll-road designed to benefit only a few large entities. The openness and “net neutral” experience we enjoy today has led to a wave of innovation that will come to a grinding halt if only the largest players are left in the game.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the lead agency charged with defending net neutrality, and their Chairman Tom Wheeler is at the vanguard of the fight.

So let them know: this one is too important to give us. Let’s call on Chairman Wheeler to stand firm against the big telecoms and preserve an internet that is open, free and fair.

Senator Ron Wyden

To FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler:

Large telecoms want to auction away the open access we enjoy online today.

To do so would deal a damaging blow to the free exchange of ideas and the wave of innovation we’ve experienced over the past decade.

Public opinion is with you. Please – uphold the principle of net neutrality and do whatever it takes to keep the internet open, fair and free.


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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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