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The Global Gag Rule (and why it matters)

Donald Trump’s attacks on women’s health are unrelenting.

On day one of his administration, Trump expanded the “Global Gag Rule,” harming women around the world who need access to health care, including maternity and child care, family planning guidance, birth control, and even malaria treatment.

Presidents Clinton and Obama repealed it, only to see it reinstated by President Bush – and now, expanded by Donald Trump.

I’m fighting back, and so are my fellow Senate Democrats.

Sen. Jeff Merkley and I have co-sponsored a bill to protect funding for health care providers around the world and repeal the Global Gag Rule once and for all. Charitable organizations shouldn’t have to choose between caring for their patients and accepting aid from the United States.

This rule is outdated, unproductive, and damaging to the health of men, women, and children around the world. It’s time for the political games to stop.


Posted on February 22, 2017.

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