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Unbelievable! Corporate tax cuts ≠ Economic growth

Right before Labor Day, Donald Trump had the audacity to announce a short-on-details tax scam he claims would benefit working Americans.

Yet, his entire speech was about making huge corporate tax cuts. That means higher profits and bigger dividends for corporate CEOs who already make enough.

Haven’t we already learned that trickle-down economics doesn’t work to raise wages or the quality of life for working people?

Trump and his special interest buddies in the top 0.1 percent will benefit the most from his tax cut scam, while the middle class and working Americans will scrape by with little to show for their hard work.

It's crumbs for the middle class, and cakes for the fortunate few—and I won’t stand for it.

Share my post on Facebook and let’s fight for a better deal for working people!

Posted on September 2, 2017.

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