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It's important that we keep the facts in mind

It's important that we keep the facts in mind:

  1. It's been nearly two years since U.S. intelligence agencies agreed unanimously that agents of the Russian government hacked email servers in the U.S. in an attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Despite Donald Trump's constant denials, none of the agencies has changed its assessment in that time.

  1. Special counsel Robert Mueller has so far secured indictments for – or guilty pleas from – at least 32 people and 3 companies in connection to that hacking. This includes Friday's indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers.

And yet:

The facts are not on his side. But you can bet that in the coming days, Trump and his apologists will do anything they can to make us forget it.

It's crucial that we hold tight to the facts. Our honor and our democracy demand it.


Posted on July 17, 2018.

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