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A few words about Democrats’ bold economic agenda

This fall, Democrats in Congress and the White House have the opportunity to pass into law one of the boldest, most comprehensive economic agendas of our lifetime.

The American Jobs Plan would make unprecedented, critical investment in American workers and families and level the economic playing field for millions of Americans.

Whether it's building a clean energy economy or overhauling our broken tax code to promote fairness and equity, this agenda has a lot riding on it.

It all ties together. And you can be sure Ron is fighting tooth and nail to secure critical and unprecedented investment in America's future.

Elections matter. And this wouldn't be possible without our big wins in 2018 and 2020—taking back Congress and the White House... and the grassroots movement that made it all possible.

Want some examples of the kind of progressive reforms Ron and Democrats are championing? We've got those.

Climate change: Ron is fighting to overhaul the energy tax code to promote a clean energy future. We're going to incentivize emissions reductions and climate outcomes for the first time ever, including boosting the clean energy manufacturing industry.

Working families: Ron is leading the charge to extend tax cuts for families with children, caregivers, and working Americans. Poverty reduction is the main goal here, and if the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored anything, it's that fighting poverty is a moral necessity in America.

Health care: Ron's budget work will directly lower prescription drug prices, expand and modernize Medicare, and directly make the cost of health care and insurance more affordable for each and every family struggling through these difficult times.

It goes beyond this. Basic fairness. Tax equity. Infrastructure investments. Everything flows from a progressive, smart economic agenda.

For years, the Trump administration and its allies prioritized an awful, elite-first agenda. Tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy were only part of it. Ron's made that abundantly clear, and has never stopped fighting against it.

Restoring fairness to the tax code, including making billionaires finally pay their fair share? Ensuring generational opportunities for underserved, underrepresented communities? Guaranteeing health care as a human right?

Fairness, equity, and equality. Each of these has been at the heart of Ron's efforts; and he's worked exhaustively to put together an economic agenda that will build a brighter future.

Because there is a lot of work to be done on this critical issue. And we couldn't be more proud to be standing with Ron as he takes on this fight.

Team Wyden

Posted on August 29, 2021.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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