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The painful reality

I've talked a lot the last two years since Roe was overturned about the consequences that ruling would have for women and doctors nationwide. Since that day in 2022, we've read headline after headline about how women are being denied the care they need. But today I'm writing to tell you about another case currently before the Supreme Court that, if allowed to be upheld, would protect an Idaho state law that says that no doctor can perform an abortion in an emergency room even if the woman's life is at risk.

Yes, you read that correctly: the state of Idaho is suing to let women die in emergency rooms instead of giving them the life-saving reproductive health care they need.

The New York Times: On Emergency Abortion Access, Justices Seem Sharply Divided

A lawyer representing Idaho during oral arguments even conceded that organ failure would not in and of itself qualify someone for an abortion.

This also means that if a doctor decides to intervene and provide abortion care to save a woman's life, that doctor could face persecution for doing so, and that means women are going to die.

Of course, under this Supreme Court – with 6 justices appointed by anti-choice Republican Presidents – there's every chance that Idaho's cruel abortion law is upheld. It's a reminder of the painful reality America is in after Dobbs.

If we're going to change it, we need to preserve and expand our Democratic Senate majority – allowing us to pass national abortion rights legislation that will undo cruel laws like the one in Idaho.

Will you donate $7 now to help me in this fight?

More soon,


Posted on May 16, 2024.

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