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This is what government should be

Tax season is upon us. Most years, that means dealing with a giant tax software company repeatedly upselling you on products you don't need, providing miserable customer service, and charging top dollar just to file your tax returns.

No one – aside from the corporations raking in billions in profits – likes this routine.

It doesn't have to be this way, and the great news is, it won't be for long. In fact, for millions of Americans there is a new, free, way to file your federal taxes this year.

Thanks to expanded funding from Democrats, the IRS announced that it has begun running a pilot of their Direct File program for qualified taxpayers.

This program allows taxpayers to file directly with the IRS and cut out the corporate middleman, avoiding unnecessary fees and expenses. All made possible thanks to increased funding for the IRS to serve the American people under Democrats' historic Inflation Reduction Act.

Republicans are siding with the tax prep companies and their armies of lobbyists, and together they're pulling out all the stops to shut this program down before it opens up to more Americans. But I'm going to fight them with everything I've got because this is what good government is all about: putting people over profits by standing up to special interests that have ripped off hard-working Americans for too long.

These investments are paying off and saving taxpayer dollars in the process. That's what I call a win-win, and it's just one example of what's possible when government works for the people, not corporate special interests.

More soon,


Posted on March 8, 2024.

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