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President Obama is with us on this one:

We’re making noise, and it’s making a difference.

Thousands have signed our petition to the FCC to unlock the cable box. And here’s the big news:

President Obama recently joined our call to “unlock the set-top box” and create an open market for cable and satellite receiver boxes.

As reported by the New York Times:

“The cable or satellite box is just one example of an area where, because it’s been tied to the provider and you rent it, and consumers spend billions of dollars on it every single year, there hasn’t been much innovation,” Mr. Obama said, adding that the private sector becomes less effective “if we get closed systems or if people are gaming the system.”

The President’s vocal support in our fight with Big Cable couldn’t have come at a better time. The Federal Communications Commission is actively considering a proposal by Chairman Tom Wheeler to do just that.

Big Cable is used to getting its way – but not any more. From bad billing shenanigans to coercive box rentals, we’re going after the worst practices of the cable industry.

Let’s keep it up!


Posted on April 25, 2016.

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