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Make your voice heard today!

Today, people all across the country are taking to the streets to protest nationwide attacks on women’s reproductive freedom. Most marches are taking place at noon, local time. Find an event near you now!

The policies being debated and implemented in states like Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, and Alabama don't just erode women’s access to essential care – they criminalize it. Make no mistake, none of these laws will put an end to abortion; they'll drive it underground and make it more dangerous. Today, I’m standing with the millions of women across the country who are leading the fight to end the GOP’s war on women.

But we can’t do it alone. Today, our movement is making sure our voices are heard. If you can, please join a demonstration near you. Today, our movement is making sure our voices are heard. If you can, please join a demonstration near you.


Posted on May 21, 2019.

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Ron Wyden is a champion for our progressive values -- standing up for consumers and the middle class, fighting for digital privacy and an open internet, protecting our planet and Oregon's special places, and always insisting on human rights and equality for all.

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