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Access to abortion can be life or death

Abortion is health care, and in many cases, it can even be life-saving.

Every day, Americans seek out abortion procedures to survive.

But with the far-right Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, access to this medical care is already being denied in red states across the country. Doctors are turning away patients for fear of being prosecuted by their state, and women are left having to choose between leaving their state to seek care or facing potentially deadly consequences.

And it gets even worse...

Just days ago, Texas Republicans filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for the right to ban abortion, even in cases where the woman's life is in danger.

You read that right. Republicans in Texas are literally suing for the right to let women die in emergency rooms. This is stomach churning.

The long and short of it is that thousands of Texan women will die if Republicans are successful.

Protecting the right to safe, legal abortion has never been more important. It's a life or death issue, Jessica. This November, the American people have two clear choices on the ballot: to turn back the clock on Americans' fundamental constitutional rights or build on the progress we've already made and protect them for years to come.

We must keep up the fight in Congress and beyond to ensure everyone has access to the health care they need.


Posted on August 3, 2022.

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