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[Add Your Name] Protect the Endangered Species Act

Democrats and Republicans alike supported the Endangered Species Act when it became law in 1973. The mission was simple: bring vulnerable animal populations back from the brink of extinction.

And it was effective: 99% of the species protected by the ESA have been successfully brought back from the brink.

Unfortunately, this story has taken a sad twist of late—because Donald Trump wants to take this record of success and throw it in the dumpster.

Trump wants to weaken ESA protections, base "endangered" designations based on economic impact, ignore the impacts of climate change on this conversation, and make it easier to remove species from the list.

Sign my petition: tell Congress to protect the Endangered Species Act.

I believe our measure as a great society, and humans, is how we care for those around us. This includes the animals and species that share our planet with us.

Donald Trump disagrees. He appears eager to cast anyone and anything aside if it means he and his cronies can make a few more bucks.

If Trump won't act, then Congress must.

Sign my petition: tell Congress to protect the Endangered Species Act.


Posted on October 11, 2019.

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